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Drug Abuse
Environment managament
Child Marriages

About Us

Twins Association of Zimbabwe (TAZI) is a non-profit making organization composed of disciplined twins, educated, and ambitious twins (Women and Men) committed to take a leading part in developmental issues. The membership of TAZI is drawn from all Zimbabwean multiple births called to contribute meaningfully to society development through fellowship economically and socially, in enhancing business networking, empowerment drives and entrepreneurships. TAZI will be intervening on challenges facing all twins in Zimbabwe by taking lead in identifying societal problems, advise on remedial prescriptions, help the authorities and all other stakeholders on finding solutions. The association is destined to empower multiple births (twins) Zimbabwean citizens with knowledge, training, and energy to participate in developmental affairs and capacity building. Efforts for sustainable development of both individuals and institutions that have a focus to improve the standards of living of all twins in Zimbabwe is our mantra.